Celebrating 25 Years in Business!
Celebrating 25 Years in Business!


A chiropractic adjustment is a controlled force in a specific direction on a specific bone or joint (junction between two bones) performed by chiropractors. This is the primary of all chiropractic treatments. The benefits of chiropractic adjustment treatments are many. There are a variety of different chiropractic adjustment techniques. The traditional or osseous form is the noisy one. Some people do not like the sound of an adjustment. The popping or cracking is called an audible release. This is due to what we call a “cavitation” in the joint. It is basically a release of pressure that causes little gas bubbles to come out of “solution.” If you ever opened a new bottle of soda, you have seen this in action. The “fizz” in the joint has a popping sound, so to speak. The type of gas is nitrogen. This is the most common gas in the air we breathe. Oxygen makes up approximately 20 percent of our air.

The benefits of a chiropractic adjustment performed by a chiropractor are an increased range of motion and stimulation of special nerves that sense motion. These nerves are called mechanoreceptors. They comprise part of our proprioceptive (position sense) abilities. But for those that don’t like the sound or have acute or other conditions, Dr. Loperfito uses many chiropractic adjustment techniques that are gentle and very effective. Some include handheld devices (e.g., activator or impulse). They are considered "low force" or gentler adjusting devices. Although from a physics perspective, the force may equal that of a traditional adjustment, but it feels lighter. It is safe for children and those with osteopenia (decreased bone density) and other conditions that contraindicate osseous adjustments. Some people with advanced severe osteoporosis may receive even gentler treatment. The chiropractic adjustment technique is tailored to the patient.

Chiropractors may often hear, "I can adjust myself." Just because someone can twist their back or neck to make noise, certainly does not mean they are performing a safe and effective chiropractic adjustment. It may feel better because of the increase in mobility and the release of pain-relieving chemicals called endorphins. However, without knowing the anatomy and physics, and neurology behind that maneuver, you may be harming yourself. The ability to use a knife or drill does not qualify one to perform surgery or treat dental caries. Please, no self-manipulation. Let an experienced chiropractor perform the chiropractic adjustment.

When you visit a chiropractor, they may or may not perform a chiropractic adjustment on the first visit. As a chiropractor, it is imperative that your condition is related to your spine or extremities, and that a chiropractic adjustment is safe and appropriate. Therefore, an examination is required. X-rays or other studies (not performed in this office) are needed. These studies are referred to diagnostic facilities that use digital X-rays. A medical radiologist will read your films. Dr. Loperfito will also review them. You will have them analyzed from both perspectives. The chiropractic adjustment will be based in part on those x-rays

Conditions Treated: Motor vehicle accidents, car accident treatment, tension headaches, migraine headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, sprains/strains, disc herniation, nerve pain, sciatica back spasm.
